TRIKLO'Live - Continuous measurement of trichloramine in air

TRIKLO'Live - Continuous measurement of trichloramine in air



For nearly 15 years, SYCLOPE has been working closely with the INRS (Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité) on solutions for measuring trichloramine in the air. The aim of these analyses is to better protect employees and bathers by determining the level of exposure to trichloramine in the air, and thus implement effective corrective actions. As a reminder, trichloramine is a highly volatile gas that irritates the respiratory tract, eyes and skin, and is recognized as an occupational disease in the “rhinitis and asthma” category (decree 2003-110 of 11/02/2003). In addition to the TRIKLORAME V2 portable measurement system, which SYCLOPE has been marketing for the past 10 years, the company has decided, after various consultations with users and operators, to offer a new solution, TRIKLO'Live, this time for continuous measurement of trichloramine in the air. This new equipment can be used either as a fixed station, or can be moved to areas where measurements are required. Measurement is continuous, and the value of trichloramine in the air measured is indicated in mg/m3 on the touch screen. The screen also displays a live plot of the STEL (exposure limit value) and TWA (mean exposure value), a bar graph of the STEL and TWA max over 7 days, and a 4-month history with the option of exporting data to a USB key. So employees and bathers are better protected!

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